
How Old To Get A Bbl

A curvy, shapely derriere is something that most women yearn for, but diets and exercise oft fail to provide the desired results. The Brazilian butt lift in NYC is a corrective surgical procedure that is designed to assist women achieve that goal using their own fat. For safe treatment and optimal results, patients must ensure that the process is performed by a plastic surgeon that has a keen eye for aesthetic detail, and all-encompassing training and experience in fat transfer techniques.

 Brazilian Butt Lift

Plastic surgeons in NYC perform the Brazilian barrel elevator using local anesthesia. Fatty is removed using minimally invasive liposuction techniques from areas like the hips, thighs, abdomen etc., purified and injected into the buttocks. When performed past an skillful, the procedure enhances the size and shape of the derriere and provides a cute S-curve to the back. Just is there a correct historic period for BBL?

There is no historic period limitation when it comes to getting a Brazilian barrel lift, though it's important that you are salubrious and don't have pare laxity. It'southward also important to have a healthy, stable weight, be a non-smoker and take realistic expectations. ​Pare laxity, which is related to historic period, is ane of the master reasons why patients fail to get good results from body contouring procedures.

Brazilian Butt Elevator – Age Considerations

Proficient plastic surgeons evaluate patient considerations advisedly to determine their candidacy for the process:

  • Ages eighteen – 25: If you are between 18 and 25, there is a proficient possibility that y'all are a suitable candidate for a Brazilian barrel lift. But it's important that your body has completed its development and that you are emotionally mature enough to become alee.
  • Ages 22 – 25: If you're betwixt the ages of 22 and 25, you're probably the right age for a Brazilian because your buttocks have finished developing and expanding, and you are probably quondam enough to make up one's mind whether or non this treatment is correct for y'all.
  • Ages 26 – 35: If you are between the ages of 26 and 35, you should consider getting a BBL if y'all healthy and accept enough fat to remove from other regions of your body to enlarge your buttocks. Women in this age group typically have the mental and emotional maturity to go through this procedure. Furthermore, the younger you are, the more likely you are to heal more quickly and have improve results for upwards to 15 years.
  • Between 36 to 45 years: Some other ideal time to consider BBL is betwixt the ages of 36 and 45. At this age, most women are done with having children.
  • Betwixt 46-54 years of age: Though the peel begins to sag dramatically between the ages of 46 and 54, women who are in good enough health to recover quickly, can consider getting a barrel lift.
  • 55 and older: If you are 55 or older, you lot can however get a Brazilian butt lift if y'all are good for you and don't drink or smoke. Results will likely last for well-nigh a decade if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Consult an Skillful

If you are considering a Brazilian barrel lift in NYC, brand sure you consult a plastic surgeon with all-encompassing experience in liposuction and fat transfer techniques. When performed past a qualified expert, a Brazilian butt lift tin provide effective, long-lasting results.


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